> HelpOnConfiguration

The following 680 words could not be found in the dictionary of 159 words (including 159 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

9a   above   abused   access   Access   accessible   acl   action   Actions   actions   add   Additional   additional   Administration   administrator   after   After   again   Alias   all   allow   allowed   Allows   allows   alone   alphabet   alphabetic   already   also   alt   amp   an   An   Anchor   and   another   any   anyone   anywhere   Apache   arbitrary   are   area   around   as   associated   assume   at   Attach   attached   attachment   Attachments   attachments   attacks   auth   authenticated   available   backtick   bang   bar   basic   Be   be   Because   because   before   below   besides   between   border   bottom   box   Box   but   by   cached   caching   calls   can   Cascading   categories   Category   category   cgi   change   changeable   changed   Changes   changes   Changing   changing   channel   character   characters   charset   chart   check   chose   class   classic   code   comes   commonhttpd   completed   concern   conf   config   configuration   Configuration   configured   Consequently   containing   contains   contents   Contents   Control   cookie   copied   core   corner   could   Create   crediting   credits   current   Custom   cycle   data   date   dates   datetime   Default   default   defaults   define   defined   definitions   delay   Denial   denied   denies   deny   description   Description   development   dict   Dict   dictionary   differences   different   digits   dir   directly   directory   disable   display   displayed   displaying   distribution   Do   do   docs   documents   doing   domain   dot   download   driver   during   E8   each   early   edit   Editing   editlog   Editor   editor   edits   effect   efficiency   either   eliminate   else   email   Email   en   enable   enabled   enables   encoding   ends   enough   entered   entities   entry   equivalent   escaped   especially   even   every   exactly   excluded   existing   expected   Experimental   expires   ext   extended   external   externally   False   feature   features   fetching   File   file   filename   filenames   files   Finally   find   fine   first   fmt   following   footer   footer1   footer2   for   force   Form   form   format   formats   found   fragment   free   from   From   front   Front   gdchart   get   global   google   grained   group   Group   has   have   head   header   header1   header2   headings   height   Help   hierarchical   hint   hook   host   hosted   hostname   hosts   hours   how   html   httpd   i18n   icon   iconbar   iconname   icons   if   If   image   img   implementing   important   imported   in   Index   inline   insert   installation   instruction   instructions   intend   Inter   intermap   internal   interwikiname   into   intranets   invocation   iso   it   jpg   keep   key   know   lang   language   last   Latin   latin   leading   leave   left   let   letters   License   license   lifetime   like   limits   link   linked   links   list   List   listed   Lists   literal   Local   local   localhost   location   lock   locking   log   Log   logged   logging   login   logo   logos   lookup   Lowercase   lowerletters   Ls   machine   macro   made   mail   mailing   mails   main   making   many   mappings   mark   markup   match   matches   max   Maximum   may   means   meta   might   minimum   minutes   mkdir   models   modify   module   moinmoin   moniker   more   Most   mostly   move   multiple   must   myorg   mypix   mywiki   mywikiattach   name   Name   names   navi   need   new   No   no   nobody   non   None   nonexist   normally   not   note   notification   now   Number   numbers   numeric   object   Of   of   off   offset   old   On   on   only   open   option   options   or   org   original   other   out   output   outside   over   overhead   Overview   page   Page   pagename   Pagenames   pages   Pages   pagetitle   parser   part   path   Path   paths   place   Policy   policy   port   possibly   Powered   preferable   preferences   prefix   prefixes   privately   processing   provided   Ps   public   pwd   py   qm   queries   question   quick   reason   Recent   recognized   refresh   regarded   regex   remap   replacement   replacing   request   requires   restart   restrictions   retrieval   retrieve   retrieved   Review   review   ridden   right   rights   risk   robots   rowbgcolor   rows   run   running   safe   same   sample   Sand   schemas   script   Script   second   section   Security   security   see   Self   send   sent   serve   served   server   servers   Service   serving   Set   set   sets   setting   settings   shared   Sheets   Short   short   should   show   Show   showing   shown   shows   similar   Since   sit   sitename   sits   size   Skins   slashes   smarthost   smileys   so   some   Some   Somepage   something   special   specific   spellchecker   spelling   Spelling   spiders   src   stand   standard   statement   statements   step   steps   still   storage   store   Store   stored   string   strings   structure   stuff   Style   Sub   subnet   subpages   Subtopics   such   Suite   Support   sure   system   System   systems   table   Table   Tag   tag   tags   take   target   targets   tell   tells   Template   template   templates   test   text   than   that   The   the   their   theme   Themes   Then   There   there   these   they   this   those   thus   Time   time   timeout   times   timing   timings   title   to   To   too   trail   trailing   translator   trees   True   true   Ts   tuple   turn   two   tz   ua   umask   under   Unless   Unnamed   unsafe   until   uploaded   uploading   uploads   upper   Uppercase   upperletters   use   used   Used   useful   User   user   username   uses   Using   using   value   values   Variable   variable   variables   verify   version   via   view   visited   want   Wanted   warn   web   webserver   were   wget   what   when   where   which   whole   why   width   Wiki   wiki   wikiname   will   With   with   within   without   Words   words   work   works   xslt   you   your   zone  

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HelpContents > HelpOnAdministration > HelpOnConfiguration



  1. Configuration of MoinMoin
    1. Overview of configuration options
    2. Changing character sets
    3. File attachments

Configuration of MoinMoin

MoinMoin is configured by changing the moin_config.py file, which normally sits besides your moin.cgi driver script. moin_config.py is imported by the MoinMoin main code early in a request cycle and is found because the current directory (i.e. that of moin.cgi) is part of the Python system path. Consequently, moin_config.py can sit anywhere in your PYTHONPATH.

Overview of configuration options

The following table contains default values and a short description for all configuration variables. Most of these can be left at their defaults, those you need to change with every installation are listed in the sample moin_config.py that comes with the distribution.

Variable name Default Description
LogStore 'text:editlog' Experimental, keep the default
SecurityPolicy None class object hook for implementing security restrictions
acl_enabled (& acl_...) 0 true to enable Access Control Lists - fine grained page access rights settings (see HelpOnAccessControlLists)
allow_extended_names 1 true to enable ["non-standard wikiname"] markup
allow_subpages 1 true to enable hierarchical wiki features (see HelpOnEditing/SubPages)
allow_numeric_entities 1 if true, numeric entities like € forare not escaped, but & and stuff still is
allow_xslt 0 true to enable XSLT processing via 4Suite (note that this enables anyone with enough know-how to insert arbitrary HTML into your wiki, which is why it defaults to 0)
allowed_actions [] allow unsafe actions (list of strings)
attachments None If None, send attachments via CGI; else this has to be a dictionary with the path to attachment storage (key dir) and the equivalent URL prefix to that same dir (key url)
auth_http_enabled 0 true to enable moin using the username of a user already authenticated by http basic auth
backtick_meta 1 true to enable `inline literal` markup
bang_meta 0 true to enable !NoWikiName markup
caching_formats ['text_html'] output formats that are cached; set to [] to turn off caching (useful for development)
changed_time_fmt '%H:%M' Time format used on RecentChanges for page edits within the last 24 hours
charset 'iso-8859-1' The encoding / character set your system uses
chart_options None if you have gdchart, use something like chart_options = {'width': 720, 'height': 540}
check_i18n 0 Set to 1 only in development systems, or on a translator's system
cookie_lifetime 12 12 hours from now until the MoinMoin cookie expires and you get logged out
data_dir './data/' Path to the data directory, the default is OK if you place the data directory right besides your moin.cgi
date_fmt '%Y-%m-%d' System date format, used mostly in RecentChanges
datetime_fmt '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' Default format for dates and times (when the user has no preferences or chose the "default" date format)
default_lang 'en' default language for page contents, and also the default user language if not set by other means
default_markup 'wiki' Default page parser / format (name of module in MoinMoin.parser)
edit_locking 'warn 10' Editor locking policy: None, 'warn <timeout in minutes>', or 'lock <timeout in minutes>'
edit_rows 30 Default height of the edit box
hosts_deny [] List of denied IPs; if an IP ends with a dot, it denies a whole subnet (class A, B or C)
html_head Additional <HEAD> tags for all pages (see HelpOnSkins)
html_head_queries META-Tag with "NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW" for robots Additional <HEAD> tags for edit and action pages (html_head is sent, too; see HelpOnSkins)
html_pagetitle None Allows you to set a specific HTML page title (if not set, it defaults to the value of sitename)
httpd_docs './wiki-moinmoin' directory with public files, when using the stand-alone server
httpd_host 'localhost' hostname of the stand-alone server
httpd_port 8080 port of the stand-alone server
httpd_user 'nobody' user to run the stand-alone server under (UNIX only)
interwikiname None InterWiki name (prefix, moniker) of the site, or None
logo_string '<img src="%s" border="0" alt="%s">' % (logo_url, sitename) The img tag used to format the logo display in the upper-left corner of a page and used in RSS documents
logo_url MoinMoin logo The URL path to the logo used by logo_string above
lowerletters Latin 1 alphabetic characters and digits Lowercase letters, used to define what is a WikiName
mail_from None From: header used in sent mails
mail_login None "user pwd" if you need to use SMTP AUTH
mail_smarthost None IP or domain name of an SMTP-enabled server; note that email features (notification, mailing of login data) works only if this variable is set
max_macro_size 50 Maximum size of some macro pages in KB, especially used to limits the size of RecentChanges; use 0 to disable that feature
navi_bar list of default quick links Most important links in text form (these links can be over-ridden by the user's quick links); to link to any URL, use a free-form link of the form "[url text]"
nonexist_qm 0 Default for displaying WantedPages with a question mark, like in the original wiki (changeable by the user)
page_category_regex '^Category[A-Z]' Pagenames containing a match for this regex are regarded as Wiki categories
page_credits MoinMoin and ?PythonPowered html fragment with logos or strings for crediting
page_dict_regex '[a-z]Dict$' Pagenames containing a match for this regex are regarded as containing variable dictionary definitions
page_footer1 Custom HTML markup sent before the system footer (see HelpOnSkins)
page_footer2 Custom HTML markup sent after the system footer (see HelpOnSkins)
page_form_regex '[a-z]Form$' Pagenames containing a match for this regex are regarded as containing form definitions
page_front_page 'FrontPage' Name of the front page
page_group_regex '[a-z]Group$' Pagenames containing a match for this regex are regarded as containing group definitions
page_header1 Custom HTML markup sent before the system header / title area (see HelpOnSkins)
page_header2 Custom HTML markup sent after the system header / title area (see HelpOnSkins)
page_iconbar ["view", ...] list of icons to show in iconbar
page_icons_table dict dict of {'iconname': (url, title, icon-img-key), ...}
page_license_enabled 0 Show a license hint in page editor.
page_license_page '?WikiLicense' Page linked from the license hint.
page_local_spelling_words 'LocalSpellingWords' Name of the page containing user-provided spellchecker words
page_template_regex '[a-z]Template$' Pagenames containing a match for this regex are regarded as templates for new pages
refresh None refresh = (minimum_delay_s, targets_allowed) enables use of #refresh 5 PageName processing instruction, targets_allowed must be either 'internal' or 'external'
shared_intermap None path to a file containing global InterWiki definitions (or a list of such filenames)
show_hosts 1 true to show hostname in RecentChanges
show_section_numbers 1 true to show section numbers in headings by default
show_timings 0 shows some timing values at bottom of page - used for development
show_version 0 show MoinMoin's version at the bottom of each page
sitename 'An Unnamed MoinMoin Wiki' Short description of your wiki site, displayed below the logo on each page, and used in RSS documents as the channel title
smileys {} User-defined smileys (a dict with the markup as the key and a tuple of width, height, border, image name as the value)
theme_default 'classic' the name of the theme that is used by default (see HelpOnThemes)
theme_force False if True, do not allow to change the theme
trail_size 5 Number of pages in the trail of visited pages
tz_offset 0.0 default time zone offset in hours from UTC
ua_spiders ...|google|wget|... A regex of HTTP_USER_AGENTs that should be excluded from logging
umask 0750 umask used on all open(), mkdir() and similar calls
upperletters Latin 1 alphabetic characters Uppercase letters, used to define what is a WikiName
url_mappings {} lookup table to remap URL prefixes (dict of 'prefix': 'replacement'); especially useful in intranets, when whole trees of externally hosted documents move around
url_prefix '/wiki' Used as the base URL for all public documents served by the wiki, especially the image files for the icons
url_schemas [] additional URL schemas you want to have recognized (list of strings)

Changing character sets

If you want to use MoinMoin with a character set other than Latin-1, you might or even have to change the default character sets for WikiNames in "moin_config.py". A safe default is US-ASCII, i.e.
upperletters = "A-Z"
lowerletters = "0-9a-z"

With that setting, you need to set "allow_extended_names=1" and use the special markup for extended WikiNames ["extended name"] to get any names with characters outside the core latin alphabet.

File attachments

The [Self]AttachFile action enables a page to have multiple attached files. Since file uploads could be abused for DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, AttachFile is an action that may be enabled by the wiki administrator. To do this, add "allowed_actions = ['AttachFile']" to your configuration file.

If you wiki has (or is expected to have) many file attachments, there is an option which will eliminate the CGI overhead associated with each retrieval of an attachment file.

There are two storage/retrieval models for file attachments:

  1. Attachments are stored "privately" and can only be retrieved via a CGI GET (via URLs like http://myorg.org/mywiki/<SomePage>?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=filename.ext).

  2. Attachments are stored into a directory directly accessible by the web server, and can thus be served directly by the webserver, without any invocation of MoinMoin (leading to URLs like http://myorg.org/mywikiattach/<Somepage>/attachments/filename.ext).

If the efficiency of serving file attachments is a concern, the second option is preferable, but it also requires additional configuration steps and possibly more rights on the host machine. Because of this, the first option is the default; attachments are stored in the "...mywiki/data/pages/" directory, with paths like "...mywiki/data/pages/<pagename>/attachments/<filename>".

The MoinMoin attachments configuration option allows you to move the directory structure used to store attachments to another location. Unless you have a reason for doing so, there is no need to use a different location. Using a different location may be more work and more risk, as all the existing attachments must be copied to the new location. The following instructions are for Apache servers and assume you intend to leave the attachment files in their existing location and your original installation used the name "mywiki".

The first step is to tell Apache that it has another Alias directory from which it can serve files. Review the changes you made to the httpd.conf (or commonhttpd.conf) file during the MoinMoin installation and find the ScriptAlias statement similar to the following:

    ScriptAlias /mywiki           ".../mywiki/moin.cgi" 
Create an Alias statement similar to the ScriptAlias statement above, replacing the
/mywiki URI with /mywikiattach/ and replacing moin.cgi with data/pages/.
    Alias       /mywikiattach/    ".../mywiki/data/pages/"
Be sure to note the differences in the trailing slashes between the two statements, they must be entered exactly as shown above. If you are making this change to a running system, you must restart Apache to have the change take effect.

The second step is to tell MoinMoin to let Apache do the work of fetching file attachments. To do this, you need to add an attachments option to .../mywiki/moin_config.py. The 'attachment' option is a dictionary of two values:

attachments = {
    'dir': '.../mywiki/data/pages',
    'url': '/mywikiattach',
MoinMoin must still do the work of uploading file attachments. The
dir value above tells MoinMoin where to store attachments; note this is the same as the path in the new Apache Alias statement but without the trailing "/". The url value tells MoinMoin how to retrieve the attachments; this matches the URI in the Alias statement but again without the trailing "/".

After you have completed the configuration changes, test by uploading an attachment for WikiSandBox. Then modify the WikiSandBox page to display the uploaded image or download the file. If there were existing attachments before this change, verify the old attachments are still available. Finally, review the Apache access.log file to verify you have a log entry showing the expected file access: