> HelpOnLists

The following 119 words could not be found in the dictionary of 159 words (including 159 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

after   All   alpha   also   an   And   and   another   any   Anything   append   asterisk   asterisks   at   be   belong   bullet   bulleted   bullets   by   can   cannot   certain   change   contain   containing   create   created   currently   definition   Definition   depths   different   Display   do   Editing   else   Example   For   form   forty   get   have   Help   if   If   in   indent   indented   indenting   Indenting   information   initial   inserting   it   item   items   its   just   level   levels   like   line   list   Lists   lists   Lowercase   markup   means   mixed   more   multiple   natural   nest   note   number   numbered   of   offset   on   On   one   or   output   possible   put   quite   roman   same   see   several   start   started   style   sub   template   term   text   That   that   the   then   this   three   to   To   two   Uppercase   use   value   Variations   way   which   whitespace   wiki   will   with   You   you  

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Lists and Indenting

You can create bulleted and numbered lists in a quite natural way. All you do is inserting the line containing the list item. To get bulleted items, start the item with an asterisk "*"; to get numbered items, start it with a number template "1.", "a.", "A.", "i." or "I.". Anything else will just indent the line. To start a numbered list with a certain initial value, append "#value" to the number template.

To nest lists of different levels, you use different depths of indenting. All items on the same indent level belong to the same (sub-)list. That also means that you cannot change the style of a list after you started it.

Definition lists can be created by items of the form <whitespace>term:: definition; note that the term cannot currently contain any wiki markup.

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.


If you indent text
  like this, then it is indented in the output
    you can have multiple levels of indent

And if you put asterisks at the start of the line
  * you get a 
  * bulleted
  * list
    * which can also be indented
      * to several levels

A numbered list, mixed with bullets:
  1. one
  1. two
    1. one
      * bullet 1
      * bullet 2
    1. two
  1. three
    * bullet
      1. one

Variations of numbered lists:
  * Lowercase roman
    i. one
    i. two
  * Uppercase roman (with start offset 42)
    I.#42 forty-two
    I. forty-three
  * Lowercase alpha
    a. one
    a. two
  * Uppercase alpha
    A. one
    A. two

 term:: definition
 another term:: and its definition


If you indent text

And if you put asterisks at the start of the line

A numbered list, mixed with bullets:

  1. one

  2. two

    1. one

      • bullet 1

      • bullet 2

    2. two

  3. three

Variations of numbered lists:



another term

and its definition