> WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/091 Tips on the Editor

The following 68 words could not be found in the dictionary of 159 words (including 159 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

an   at   can   change   Check   click   Copy   discover   done   double   Editor   editor   End   envelope   every   examines   find   for   format   get   go   Home   hotkeys   how   Icon   If   In   interesting   it   just   Just   lightblue   mail   Navigation   of   on   open   out   page   pages   Paste   Preferences   Redo   right   rowbgcolor   set   slides   somewhere   spelling   subscribe   text   that   the   Tips   to   top   Undo   unknown   up   User   usual   was   when   Within   words   work   you   You  

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Tips on the Editor

"Check spelling" examines the text for unknown words.

Within the editor, the usual hotkeys work:

Undo: CTRL+Z Redo: CTRL+Y
Copy: CTRL+C Paste: CTRL+V
Home: CTRL+Home End: CTRL+End

(!) If you discover an interesting format somewhere, just go to the editor to find out how it was done.

(!) In UserPreferences, you can set up the editor to open when you double click a page.

(!) You can subscribe to pages to get a mail on every change of that page. Just click on the envelope Subscribe at top right of the page.